If you have made or seen a good video that you would like to see featured in our Burgess Hill Video Section, then please contact us at the email address below:
Hill Videos - Guides
Why simply make do with text and
images when you can use video to make a presentation. People
in Burgess Hill have realised this and have begun to make
some videos which act as a guide to Burgess Hill. This section
is likely to grow as the year progresses.
Hill Pub Guide - Part One
Amazingly, there are indeed other pubs in Burgess
Hill apart from Jacobs Post and The Railway. Feature
in this video are just some of the alternatives.
Point us to your video
If you have created a
video that features Burgess Hill or Burgess Hill inhabitants,
and would like it to be featured in this section, then please
email webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk with a link to your video along with some information
about the piece.
Subscribe to our videos
We here at Burgess Hill Uncovered are regular producers of internet videos. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel you'll automatically be notified of our new content