If you have made or seen a good video that you would like to see featured in our Burgess Hill Video Section, then please contact us at the email address below:
Hill Videos - Events
Burgess Hill isn't always a sleepy
town, every once in a while, events do take place. Here
are some that have been captured on video, including some
wonderful retro footage!
Rodman In Burgess Hill
Following his appearance on Celebrity Big Brother
in 2005, Dennis' next engagement was playing for the
Brighton Bears basketball team in Burgess Hill!
George's Day Burgess Hill Scout Parade 1977
An amazing retro video, featuring Cubs and Scouts
wearing silly uniforms, marching past St Johns church
and on into Cyprus Road car park.
Silver Jubilee 1977 Street Party
Games and food organised and enjoyed by residents
of Noel Green, to mark the Queen's silver jubilee.
Look out for the wellington boot tossing!
Point us to your video
If you have created a
video that features Burgess Hill or Burgess Hill inhabitants,
and would like it to be featured in this section, then please
email webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk with a link to your video along with some information
about the piece.
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