If you have made or seen a good video that you would like to see featured in our Burgess Hill Video Section, then please contact us at the email address below:
Hill Videos - Comedy
People like to share their funny
videos on the internet. There are no shortage of these types
of video coming out of Burgess Hill. Some are short and
sweet, other are long and clever, but they are all amusing
to some degree.
Shop Trip
A young chap visit Clarkes shoe shop, claiming to
have feet of differing sizes. This video is golden
just for some of the comments that they come out with.
Medicine Shop
The young chap with odd sized feet visits a chinese
medicine shop to see about getting some acupuncture
on his injured foot.
Bin Prank
The new Mid Sussex District Council wheelie bins are
put to an excellent alternative use by these creative
If you are not aware of who Jeffrey is, then you don't
deserve to call yourself a Burgess Hillian. In this
video we see Jeffrey relaxing in the Watermill pub.
Point us to your video
If you have created a
video that features Burgess Hill or Burgess Hill inhabitants,
and would like it to be featured in this section, then please
email webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk with a link to your video along with some information
about the piece.
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We here at Burgess Hill Uncovered are regular producers of internet videos. If you subscribe to our YouTube channel you'll automatically be notified of our new content