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burgess hill newsBurgess Hill News Archive 2012

Burgess Hill isn't always the typical sleepy town, occasionally a gunman will rob the local Post Office or the District Council waste public money. You can be sure that Burgess Hill Uncovered won't shy away from adding a bit of character into our news reports as we tell it like it is.

wetherspoon pub burgess hill
Wetherspoon Pub Set To Come To Burgess Hill?
20th November 2012 -- National pub chain have put in an application to come to Burgess Hill Town Centre. They're looking to occupy the empty Currys and Sussex Stationers units in Church Walk. We ask if this will be a good thing for the town.
st johns church burgess hill
Why Was St Johns Church REALLY Awarded a £22k MSDC Grant?
18th November 2012 -- Confusion reigns as to why St Johns Church in Burgess Hill were awarded a twenty two thousand pound grant from the district council. When different reasons are being given, it was worth investigating. Our findings are VERY interesting.....
Mid Sussex Battle Of The Bands
Mid Sussex Battle Of The Bands Returns!
12th November 2012 -- Excellent news for young musicians and fans of live music as the Mid Sussex Battle of the Bands competition is returning early in 2013. Read our report for details of the entry requirements, the format, dates and the prizes!
Coca Cola Christmas Truck Burgess Hill
The Coca Cola Christmas Truck Is Coming To Burgess Hill!
9th November 2012 -- Cancel all your plans for Monday 19th November. You WILL be spending it at Tesco car park, waiting in line to see the magical Coca Cola christmas truck. Read on for more details. Holidays are coming....
Katy Bourne Sussex PCC Exposed
Conservative PCC Candidate Katy Bourne EXPOSED!
5th November 2012 -- Our Crime Correspondent looks into whether the dance teaching Tory, Katy Bourne, will turn the "thin blue line" into "thin blue line dancing"! You must read this report before you consider casting your vote in the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner election.
burgess hill skate park vandalised
Burgess Hill Skate Park And Firetoys Skate Shop Both Vandalised
4th November 2012 -- Within the space of 24 hours the window of the new Firetoys Skate Shop had been smashed with a brick and the halfpipe at the skate park rendered useless as it was set on fire during Halloween night. Read on for photos and public reaction.
burgess hill outdoor exercise equipment
Outdoor Gym Equipment Exposé Circulated To Every Home In Burgess Hill!
14th October 2012 -- The outdoor excercise equipment saga gets another airing, this time via a political newsletter being delivered to every home in Burgess Hill! Find out what the newsletter says and what it may achieve by reading our report.
countryliner bus company bust
Countyliner Bus Company Go Bust
11th October 2012 -- Unusally, the demise of a bus company serving Burgess Hill has been met with great joy by a number of local residents. We've publish a number of comments so you can discover exactly why people didn't like Countryliner.
burgess hill high street shops closed
The Sad State Of Burgess Hill High Street - In Pictures
7th October 2012 -- There are a depressing amount of empty retail units in Burgess Hill with a real danger that many more businesses are going to exit the town over the next year. We have a pictorial guide of the empty shops and details of others that may follow.
burgess hill town council meetings public
Town Council Agree To Open Up All Meetings To The Public!
26th September 2012 -- Burgess Hill Town Council shocked members of the public on Monday when they decided to adopt some of the '2012 access to information and meetings' regulations.
Find out exactly what they have agreed to and what they haven't.
burgess hill new houses
Burgess Hill Set To Take Bulk Of New Homes In Mid Sussex - Unfair?
26th September 2012 -- Ahead of the big public meeting on October 1st, we've allowed the Burgess Hill Action Group to inform our readers about the thousands of new homes being proposed for Burgess Hill.
burgess hill boys club
Burgess Hill Boys Club Need New Blood - Could It Be You?
24th September 2012 -- The Burgess Hill Boys Club has been running for over 50 years now. This much valued facility in town is currently lacking in volunteers and unless an injection of new blood comes forward, its future could be in doubt. Can you help?
Cerebral Palsy Special Bike
A Special Bike For A Special Boy - Can You Help?
19th September 2012 -- 10-year-old Kieran Emerson suffers from Cerebral Palsy and his family are looking to raise enough money to buy him a special bike so that he'll be able to ride alongside his young siblings and friends. Can the Burgess Hill Uncovered readers help reach the target?
West Sussex County Council Public Meeting
Full Audio Recording - WSCC vs Residents of Chanctonbury Road
2nd September 2012 -- Burgess Hill Uncovered have recorded and published the entire public meeting at Woodlands Meed school between West Sussex County Council and residents from the Chanctonbury Road area. It was a heated affair discussing traffic, parking and more.
Burgess Hill Residents Clear Up After Travellers
People Power! - Residents Clear Up Mess Left By Travellers
16th August 2012 -- It's the feel-good story of the year in Burgess Hill as local residents got together to clean up Fairfield Rec the minute the final caravan departed. Find out how it all came about in our wonderful report which contains pictures of traveller rubbish!
Burgess Hill Attack Assualt
Huge Convoy Of Travellers Invade Fairfield Recreaction Ground
14th August 2012 -- Residents of Burgess Hill are on high alert as a convoy of over 50 Travellers have invaded the town after being evicted from many locations in Brighton during July. Will there be lots of coincidental thefts in town? Chart the events right here on Burgess Hill Uncovered.
Burgess Hill Attack Assualt
Burgess Hill Hits The Headlines After Vicious Teen Attack
10th August 2012 -- Burgess Hill is in the headlines after a 15-year-old boy was brutally attacked in Queens Crescent by two adults males. If you didn't buy Friday's Argus, we've sneakily scanned in the full news report for you. shhhhhh!
Burgess Hill Youths
Are The Town Council To Blame For Anti-Social Behaviour By Youths?
8th August 2012 -- Burgess Hill Town Council are going to fund the cost of altering the rear entrance of Cyprus Hall in order to stop young people hanging around the building.
Why don't the council put their efforts into the youth of Burgess Hill instead?
Community Engagement Group
Community Engagement? You're Having A Laugh!!!!
5th August 2012 -- Burgess Hill Town Council have a new key area group titled 'Community Engagement' The members of this group and their remit are a cause for great concern.
If this were a football match, the fans would be chanting "You don't know what you're doing!"
Chanctonbury Road
Yellow Peril For Chanctonbury Road
16th July 2012 -- West Sussex County Council have painted lots of lovely yellow lines in Chanctonbury Road. There's been a very mixed response from local residents. Parents from London Meed school are not at all happy! Read our story to find out the areas effected.
Water PLay Area St Johns Park
Petition Lauched For A Water Play Area In St Johns Park
10th July 2012 -- After discovering the new water play area in Victoria Park, Haywards Heath was funded by section 106 money, we here at Burgess Hill Uncovered need 1,300 signatures on our petition to force the council to discuss Burgess Hill getting one for our children too.
Mid Sussex District Council Section 106 Money
Town Council Admit Struggle In Accessing Leisure Money From MSDC
7th July 2012 -- New research has discovered that Burgess Hill Town Council have gone on record as saying that they are having a great deal of problems in accessing millions of pounds worth of Section 106 money from Mid Sussex District Council.
Mid Sussex District Council E-Petitions
District Council's Scrapping of E-Petitions Makes Front Page News!
5th July 2012 -- When Mid Sussex District Council made the scandalous decision to axe E-Petitions, their actions needed to be brought to the attention of thousands of people. Burgess Hill Uncovered managed this feat thanks to the Argus!
Burgess Hill Town Council Hiding Information
Burgess Hill Town Council Hide Information From The Public
4th July 2012 -- There's a very suspicious lack of updates in relation to meetings, agendas and minutes on the Burgess Hill Town council website. Read our report to find out why the council may want to be keeping us in the dark.
Mid Sussex District Council Robbing Burgess Hill
Burgess Hill Get A Bargin Basement Outdoor Gym
13th June 2012 -- After years of waiting, St Johns Park finally received some outdoor gym equipment. This should be a time to celebrate. However, with the equipment purchased leaving a lot to be desired, we did some digging to uncover the council's latest scandalous actions.
Mid Sussex District Council Robbing Burgess Hill
Are Mid-Sussex District Council Robbing Burgess Hill Blind?
11th June 2012 -- You can prove a lot with facts and figures. If we've done our research correctly then there can be no doubt that the current council are shafting the people of Burgess Hill out of a fair share of the leisure budget. Read on for the full details.
Mid Sussex District Council Robbing Burgess Hill
Public Stunned By Jubilee Picnic Fail
5th June 2012 -- It was a day to forget as Burgess Hill Town Council organised the most shambolic event in recent memory. What a way to mark the Queen's 60th year on the throne.
Read our report to find out exactly what the public thought of the event. Bring a hard hat!
Labour Win By-Election
Labour Win Second Town Council Seat In Just Three Weeks!
3rd June 2012 -- David Andrews is the newest Burgess Hill Town Councillor as he was victorious for the Labour Party in the St Andrews Ward by-election. Read our report to see the full result along with a few words from David himself!
jubilee beacon
Burgess Hill Jubilee Beacon Relocation Saga - At What Cost To Us?
2nd June 2012 -- Contrctors were spotted on Saturday morning moving the Jubilee Beacon a mere 30 foot just days after it was first erected. The new location is unlogical for many reasons and we have to ask the question - How much has this cost the taxpayer?
District Council Parking Charges
District Council Raising Car Parking Charges By 33%
17th May 2012 -- From July 1st it will cost you up to 33% more to park your car in one of the District Council's Car Parks. It's just what the local traders needed when they are struggling to survive on the high street. Read the reactions in our report.
Jonathan Ash-Edwards Twitter
District Councillor Makes A Twit Of Himself On Twitter
16th May 2012 -- Mid Sussex District Council Cabinet Member Jonathan Ash-Edwards bit off more than he could chew on Twitter during an exchange with a local Burgess Hill resident over the issue of public toilets. Read now to see the entire Twitter exchange!
community toilet scheme
District Council Deluded Over Community Toilet Scheme Uptake
14th May 2012 -- Mid Sussex District Council's Community Toilet Scheme was announced six months ago. Last week they put out a press release reporting on how businesses have been embracing it. Ever heard the phrase 'Flogging a dead horse?' Read our report!
Labour Win By-Election
Labour Win Seat On Burgess Hill Town Council
11th May 2012 -- Janet Smith has won the Meeds North By-Election after the seat was vacated by a Conservative councillor. The Labour candidate had to overcome 6 other competitors in order to secure Labour's first seat on the council for many years. We have the full election result.
West Sussex County Council Videos
West Sussex County Council Internet Videos Quietly Disappear
23rd April 2012 --Under fire from the public having spent well over £100k on videos for YouTube, and despite Louise Goldsmith's protests that the videos are really good and watched by thousands of people, many videos have mysteriously gone missing. Why might this be?
Burgess Hill Community Festival
Festival Committee Members Lash Out At Public
20th April 2012 --The Burgess Hill Festival Committee and members of the public have clashed over events being planned for the Summer. Publicity Pru Moore is blaming the people BUT is it the Festival Committee that are to blame for poor communication?
Triangle Leisure Centre
Safety Fears Ignored As Triangle Leisure Centre Roof Falls Down
14th January 2012 --Despite numerous warnings that the roofing above the Leisure Centre entrance was in danger of being blown down from a strong gust of wind, the Council opted not to change the design. Guess what happened last week.....
Tesco Expansion
Tesco Expansion Rejected, New Retail Development On The Way?
4th January 2012 -- NewRiver Retail have released a video that takes viewers on a virtual tour around what that Martlets shopping precinct could look like if their redevelopment plans are given the green light. Take a look and tell us what you think.

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No matter how big or small your news is, we want to hear from you. news@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk

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