Burgess Hill Uncovered is THE award winning local news and information website for the Burgess Hill area.
Our website receives tens of thousands of local visitors each month.
We are ranked at the top of Google for search terms such as 'Burgess Hill News' and 'Burgess Hill Jobs'
We also have an extremely active social media presence with over 10,500 people on our Facebook page. That's more than Bright FM, Sussex Living Magazine and The Mid Sussex Times combined.
With this in mind, why would Burgess Hill Uncovered not be your chosen source for local advertising?
Types of advertising available are:
Display/Banner Advertising - 728 x 90 pixel banner in the website header and 300 x 250 pixel square in the sidebar.
Business Editorial - Be featured in our Business Spotlight section. Provided by you or created by us, this can be a written piece, audio interview or even a video.
See an example here: VKM Motor Accessories Editorial
Business Directory - Add your listing to our premium business directory with a feature packed page, includes priority recommendations to the social media community
Promotions - The chance to have your offers and promotions put out to our readership for a very affordable fee.
Event Listing - If you're holding a commerical event locally, we can help advertise it and create a buzz with our social media and marketing knowledge
Premium Job Adverts- Our jobs section has received over 100k views in 2014. For a fraction of the price of our competitors, we can get your vacancy seen by our large audience