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Burgess Hill Summer Festival Logo

Things start to get heated as Publicity Pru Moore gets narked with the moaners regarding the state of Burgess Hill community events

20th April 2012
By Peter Chapman

At last weeks Annual Town Meeting in Burgess Hill, The Mid Sussex Times reported that members of the public were asking what the town were doing to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Publicity Pru Moore responded by saying “Everybody who wants to have a pop about something not happening should join the commitee. Before you have a blather about what isn’t happening be grateful for what is happening.

Here's a CRAZY idea.... How about the organisers kick themselves up the backside and sort out their lines of communication before being narked at those questioning what is happening.
Had it been made clear that the Festival Committee needed help?

Let's take a look at the online presence of the festival committee to see who's in the wrong.

Burgess Hill Community Festival Page On Burgess Hill Town Council Website
The Town Council's page for the festival tells you to join the Facebook page or visit the main festival website for more details about the festival and for dates of upcoming meetings. Did the town council actually check those webpages before making those recommendations?

The Burgess Hill Festival Website
The website was first put online in early 2011 claiming to be in development. It did however list very basic information of the programme of events for the 2011 Summer Festival. As we move forward by a year the site has not changed at all. There is no information about how to get involved or that they actually need the public to help. There is merely an email address that you can contact.

Burgess Hill Community Festival On Facebook
Facebook is MASSIVE. The festival's page was last updated on 28th May 2011. Only 21 people 'like' it. There is no information about the events organised for 2012, nor are there any pleas for help.

!!Attention Pru Moore and the Festival Committee members!!
Here is what the people would probably like to know about the festival committee.

  • Do you need help?
  • What help do you need?
  • When, where and how often do the committee meet?
  • Who are the main people on the committee?
  • What money do you get from the town council to organise events?
  • Do you have to raise funds?
  • How is it decided who the festival should target?
  • Do the Town Council have any input on the decisions?
Is it really that hard to put such information online?

"Call this number" and "Send an email for more information" just does not cut it.
People want information at their fingertips, that is how the internet works.
Expecting people to take an extra step, especially when its in no way obvious that you need help is NOT going to produce results. Last year an appeal was put out in the Mid Sussex Times. Not everyone reads that newspaper and people forget. If you want younger people to help then its essential that the potential of the internet is utilised.

As hopefully this article has proved, the Festival Committee need to help themselves out first before expecting the Burgess Hill public to want to flock to lend a hand.

Got an opinion on this story? Leave a comment below.....
Were you aware that the festival committee needed more members/organisers? Would you consider helping out if you knew more information? Do you think they are hampering their recruitment efforts by essentially ignoring the internet?

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