Decision Delayed On Martlets Shopping Centre Redevelopment Planning Application
7th February 2016
By Peter Chapman
The public will have to wait at least another month for a decision on the proposals to redevelop the Martets Shopping centre after both Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council
demanded more information from NewRiver Retail.
Last week we reported that LaSalle Investment Management - Owners of the Market Place Shopping Centre - had raised a number of objections to the proposals, which included concerns over projected traffic. This is also a big area of interest to West Sussex County Council who are wanting more data before deciding what highways measures may be needed to cope with the new centre.
The County County wrote to MSDC, stating:
It is important that both Councils seek to obtain the information and evidence required
to manage the impact of the development such that it enhances and promotes
sustainable travel and avoids congestion on the highway through appropriate
mitigation. The report attached outlines what would be required and how this could be
achieved through appropriate conditions / obligations.
Mid Sussex District Council's Urban Planner and the Design Review Panel also remain unimpressed with elements of the plans and want to see more details from NewRiver.
It had been expected that the planning application would have been put in front of the district planning committee in February, but this will now be in March are the earliest, a full 17 months since NewRiver first revealed their redevelopment plans.
Don't just take our word for it, here's some documents which detail what the current issues and concerns:
MSDC Design Review Panel.pdf - 63kb
MSDC Urban Designer .pdf 78kb
West Sussex County Council Planning Application Consultation .pdf 71kb

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