CCTV Set To Be Installed In St Johns Park As District Council Revise Camera Locations
18th September 2015
By Peter Chapman
The days of having various sorts of fun in St Johns Park could be numbered as Mid Sussex District Council look set to install CCTV cameras in this public open space with 24/7 monitoring.
This is one of a number of proposals being put foward by MSDC as they look to add an additional 4 cameras to the existing 24 which cover Burgess Hill, Haywards Heath and East Grinstead.
The council claim that the cameras - monitored by Sussex Police - 'play a vital role in helping to prevent crime and disorder, reducing the fear of crime and increasing public safety for both residents and visitors.'

Mid Sussex District Council is now seeking the views of residents on the positions of the new and existing cameras, to make sure they are reinstalled where they are needed most.
“With our current town centre CCTV cameras coming to the end of their working life and in need of replacement, now is the perfect time to review their location and make sure they are being as effective as they can be,” said Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Health and Community.
“We’ve worked in partnership with Sussex Police to review where crime and anti-social behaviour has taken place in our towns over the past few years. We’ve used this information to suggest the most appropriate, necessary and effective locations for CCTV cameras. Now it’s time for you to let us know what you think as part of this consultation.”

There are currently 7 CCTV cameras located in Burgess Hill as identified in this map above. Are they in the most affective areas?
How To Take Part
Consultation events will be held in all three towns during October and November 2015 for local people to talk about CCTV cameras and comment on the proposals.
You can also take part in the consultation online here:
Spread the word, St Johns Park could soon be getting CCTV installed
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What do you of St Johns Park being lined up to receive CCTV cameras? Would it feel like an invasion of your privacy? Are there other locations in Burgess Hill that are in greater need of monitoring?