Escape Youth Club In Burgess Hill Seek Additional Volunteers For Their Restart
23rd May 2021 | By Peter Chapman
The Escape Youth Club, who are based at Park Centre in Burgess Hill, are seeking new volunteers as they look to recommence club nights in the building for the first time since the pandemic hit in March 2020.

The club will return for its usual Friday evening sessions, but due to demand, are also going to be running on Wednesdays as well.
Sessions run from 7pm-9pm on both evenings. Volunteers are required from 6:30pm-9:30pm in order to help set up, clear up and have a debrief.
The club are looking for a minimim commitment of one session per month.
Prospective volunteers are requested to email to receive an application form. Completed forms can be returned digitally.
The club are also seeking help behind the scenes. Voluntary roles to be filled include Membershiop Coordinator, Social Media Executive, Grants Applications and Fundraising

Why Volunteer? - Here are the testimonies of some of the club's valuable helpers
I was first approached by Karen Taylor when the club was in its initial stages. She shared the reason behind the idea for the club, and although it was a sobering conversation, her passion to get it going was infectious.
Young people need places where they can escape and be themselves and enjoy the company of their peers in safe surroundings, which is what The Escape Youth Club provides. As an older volunteer, I feel accepted and privileged to be engaged with the young people, see them interact with all ages in the groups, and enjoy themselves as they participate in the games and new skills on offer.
Janet Hardacre - Retired Nurse - Committee member

I’m so glad I became a volunteer for The Escape Youth Club, it is so rewarding and Burgess Hill really needed something like this for its children. There are so many fun things to get involved with and so many amazing people you get to know. I would highly recommend volunteering, even if you can only do it once a month. Anything is better than not doing anything.
Rebecca Mummery - Student - Chair of the Youth Committee
I joined The Escape Youth Club to help make a young people understand that they a voice and a say in what happens in their community. Nothing gets done if you don't take action. Also to give them guidance into what they want to do, so many young people don't know what direction to take. I want to show them all the options they can and that they can do anything they put their mind to. The last reason is for them to embrace who they are and not to be shy to express how they feel.
Yakhya Wilson - Student - Vice Chair of the Youth Committee
Spread the word! The Escape Youth Club Seek Extra Volunteers