Open-Air Shakespeare To Return To Burgess Hill This Summer
18th April 2021 | By Peter Chapman
Burgess Hill Town Council have announced that the Lord Chamberlain's Men are to return to the town this Summer to perform their open-air version of Shakespeare's Macbeth, in one of the town's first official events post-lockdown.
'Emerging victorious and decorated in war, Macbeth receives a thrilling pronouncement from three weird sisters who prophesy he will one day be King of Scotland. Overcome by ambition and driven on by his powerful wife, Macbeth murders the king and sets in motion a terrible sequence of events from which there is no turning back.
A play of supernatural magic, vaulting ambition and an examination of the dreadful consequences of the insatiable lust for power. With Shakespeare’s most chilling power couple and truly stirring poetry this stunning play will keep you gripped.'

The event takes place on Sunday 6 June in the glorious grounds of Burgess Hill Girls, in Keymer Road in Burgess Hill. Audiences are encouraged to bring picnics, a chair or a blanket and a glass of something chilled.
The grounds will be open at 6pm for picnics and the performance starts at 7pm. Covid safety measures will be in place. The event is sponsored by Burgess Hill District Lions Club.
Tickets can be booked via or at Burgess Hill Town Council’s Help Point 01444 247726, email: Adult £13, Child (under-16) £8 in advance or Adult £15, Child £10 on the door.
The show promises to be another authentic, excellent and magical treat from the company that brought you A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest.
Enjoy watching Shakespeare as he first saw it performed; in the open air, by an all male cast with Elizabethan costumes, music and dance. Book early to avoid missing out.

Spread the word! The Lord Chamberlain's Men are returning to Burgess Hill this Summer to perform Macbeth