Permission Granted To Demolish The Weald Pub For Residential Development In Burgess Hill
12th November 2020 | By Peter Chapman
A planning application for the residential redevelopment of the Weald Inn site on Royal George Road, Burgess Hill has been been approved by Mid Sussex District Council's Planning Committee by 9 votes to 1.

The proposed scheme for 10 dwellings (one 2-bedroom house, two 2-bedroom flats along with seven 3-bedroom houses) won approval by the committee on Thursday afternoon, mainly because the applicant was able to demonstrate that the pub was no longer viable and how there were three other alternative venues nearby (Woolpack, Cricketers & the Brewers Arms)
The community had applied to register the venue as an Asset of Community Value in order to have a chance to retain the pub, but as the Weald had already closed by the time the ACV was processed, it was unfortunately too late.
Full reaction to follow....

Spread the word! The Weald Pub will be demolished to make way for new homes