Burgess Hill Library Demolition Is 'Imminent'
11th November 2020 | By Peter Chapman
The demolition of the former Burgess Hill Library is imminent following a delay according to Mid Sussex District Council.

Hoardings were only just erected around the building last week on a project that was supposed to be well under way in October.
However, it was revealed during today's scrutiny meeting at MSDC that the delay was due to the council requiring a licence to erect the fencing due its proximity with the highway.
Peter Stuart - Head of Corporate Resources, told the committee:
What wasn't completely appreciated at the time, when we said the demolition would start in October,
was that we actually had to apply for a hoarding license from the county council, because the hoarding runs quite close to both highway and the pavement. It wasn't a huge delay, but it was another thing for the team to do - that delayed start on site by a week or two, but I'm pleased to say that the hoarding is now up and that work should start imminently.

Cllr Anne Eves (Green, Leylands) asked if the intention is still to make the land 'good'.
Mr Stuart answered:
The specification for taking the library down is that the space left by both the library and the hall is to leave a usable surface for other purposes - I don't think you could play a game of bowls on there but you could certainly park a number of cars on there.
It had been planned to use the land as a temporary car park until NewRiver get going on the redevelopment, but in recent times the cabinet had asked officers to come up with alternative uses and to report back. Unfortunately, this report didn't come to cabinet in September as requested. With Mr Stuart mentioning cars again, hopes of an temporary Ice Rink, Crazy Golf or *insert other fun ideas here* look to be in doubt.
If you want one last look at the former library building, you need to hurry, as the wrecking ball and dynamite could be deployed very soon!

Spread the word, the demolition of the former Burgess Hill library is imminent