Burgess Hill Cricket Club Launch 'Turn St John's Park Green' Campaign
6th September 2020 | By Peter Chapman
Burgess Hill Cricket Club have a launched a campaign to improve the outfield at St John's Park in time for the club's 150th anniversary celebrations in 2022.
The outfield has deteriorated over a number a years, with a lack of grass in large areas and an uneven surface which is a danger to players when fielding - especially the youths.

With the Adult first XI progressing through the leagues, there's a requirement to have a good quality outfield for games to be permitted to be played.
As the ground is maintained by Mid Sussex District Council - who have a limited budget for pitch improvements - the club are looking to finance and undertake the majority of the work themselves.
The works will include:
- Install irrigation system to the square using pop up sprinklers
- Using 360 degree heads system - irrigates much of the outfield
- Laser level the square using surplus soil to level the outfield
- Renovate, top dress and reseed the square and a 25 metre area around the square
- Scarify and reseed the remaining outfield area

The club have estimated the cost of the work to be £39k and have setup a 'Local Giving' fundraising page where supporters can donate to the cause: https://localgiving.org/charity/burgesshillcricket/project/turnstjohnsparkgreen/
Fundraising Gets Off To A Flying Start
Burgess Hill Tweeted on Saturday morning to reveal they've already received £5k in donations...

Spread the word! Burgess Hill Cricket Club are looking to turn St John's Park Green