Triangle Leisure Centre Could Reopen On September 1st If Concillors Agree Financial Support Terms
11th August 2020 | By Peter Chapman
The Triangle Leisure Centre could reopen as soon at Tuesday 1st September if District Councillors agree to proposals put to them following a long period of negotiation between Officers and Places Leisure.
A special meeting of the full council is to take place on Wednesday 19th August and Places Leisure are already setting to work on preparing all three leisure centres in Mid Syssex for their reopening - anticipating a positive outcome next Wednesday.

From March to August 2020, it has been calculated that the total closure costs have been approximately £943k. In addition, the Council missed out on their monthly £129k management fee paif to them by Places Leisure.
Up until Apriil 2021, it is estimated that the council will need to pay another £1.5million to keep the centres running based on current goverment guidelines for leisure centre usage.
The council's report to members details how they and Places Leisure will have a flexible mechanism in place which will allow them to take advantage of the opportunities and risks as they emerge.
Phasing Plan

The main plan is to get the Leisure Centres taking enough revenue through increased usage as soon as possible so that the subsidy from tax-payers can be kept to a minimum.
Terms will be reviewed on a constant basis and if things don't work financialy, the council may have to close the centres again and consider the leisure contract over the long-term.
You can download the full public report here:
Meeting Date: Wednesday 19th August. 6pm.
Watch LIVE:
on the MSDC YouTube channel

Spread the word - The Triangle Leisure Centre *could* open as early as Tuesday 1st September
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