Have Your Say! Final Consultation For 616 New Homes Across Six Burgess Hill Sites Begins
5th August 2020
| By Peter Chapman
Burgess Hill residents have 8 weeks in which to submit representations regarding Mid Sussex District Council's Site Allocation Development Plan Document - which has our town lined up for 616 new homes across six different sites, this in addition to the thousands already signed off for Burgess Hill up until 2031.

Fields south of Folders Lane - provided by SOFLAG
The sites proposed include:
Land South of 96 Folders Lane - 43 homes
Land South of Folders Lane and East of Keymer Road - 300 homes
Land South of Selby Close - 12 homes
Land South of Southway - 30 homes
The Brow and St.Wilfrid’s School - 200 homes
Mid Sussex District Council already have their District Plan in place, which sees the area taking around 16k new homes up until 2031. However, they need to ensure they can deliver a set number of home over a rolling 5-year period. As a safety net, the council are required to have additional sites lined up incase some developments fall through.
Failure to meet the 5-year land supply will mean that developers can pretty much choose to build wherever they like in the district - something we've actually already experienced when MSDC's old administration failed with their first district plan submission a few years ago!
In Autumn 2019, a selection panel - with no councillors present south of Haywards Heath - put forward a recommended list to full council which elected to have hundreds of more homes for Burgess Hill instead of one large piece of land at Haywards Heath Golf Course in Lindfield.

Fields south of Folders Lane - provided by SOFLAG
How to Comment:
All the documents and guidance on how to comment on the Site Allocation DPD can be found on the MSDC website here...
*From the MSDC website*
Who will deal with my comments?
Your comments will be considered by an independent planning inspector alongside the submitted Site Allocations DPD at a future Public Examination before deciding whether the Plan can be adopted by the Council. The purpose of the Examination is to determine whether the Site Allocations DPD is ‘legally compliant’ and ‘sound’. The District Council will summarise the main issues from the consultation for the Inspector. The Inspector will also receive copies of the representations submitted.
You have until Monday 28th September to respond!
Extra Reading - check out the South Of Folders Lane Action Group's Facebook page for their take on why extra homes in certain parts of Burgess Hill would not be a good idea.... https://www.facebook.com/southoffolderslaneactiongroup/

Fields south of Folders Lane - provided by SOFLAG
Spread the word! The final 8 week consultation for the Site Allocation Development Plan Document is now LIVE
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