Burgess Hill's Play Areas Will Not Reopen On July 4th
3rd July 2020 | By Peter Chapman
Burgess Hill's play areas will not reopen on Saturday 4th as MSDC wish to take more time to assess the risks involved in order to fulfill their duty of care.

The district boasts 123 play areas and 11 outdoor gyms - each needs to be assessed in accordance with government guidance. This guidance states that facilities should only reopen if and when operators are satisfied that it is safe to do so and they can adequately manage the risk of the transmission of COVID-19.
MSDC aims to open the parks and gyms as soon as possible and will be starting with the biggest and most popular ones.
In Burgess Hill, these are St Johns Park and Worlds End Recreation Ground. It's hoped that those two parks and others will be opened by Monday 13th July.
Updates on which facilities are open and scheduled to open will be made available online at https:// www.midsussex.gov.uk/ coronavirus-community-support
Spread the word! Play areas in Burgess Hill won't be reopening just yet.
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Do you think that MSDC are wise to take a bit of extra time to ensure our parks can be as safe as can be with Covid-19 still among us?