Burgess Hill McDonald's Granted Temporary Licence For Station Road Car Park By MSDC
5th June 2020 | By Peter Chapman
Mid Sussex District Council have formally come to terms with McDonald's for the wider use of Station Road Car Park to meet the demand of their drive-thru customers on a temporary license until Monday 15th June.

The Burgess Hill branch re-opened on Wednesday June 3rd, with demand mirroring that seen across other parts of the country earlier in the week.
Staff had customers snake around Station Road Car Park - in a move which took a good 60 cars off the highway, avoiding traffic jams.
In a statement, Mid Sussex District Council wrote:
'It's clear from the queue of cars in our car park on Wednesday that many people have been relishing the reopening of McDonalds in Burgess Hill.
We want to help Sussex Police maintain a safe flow of traffic in the area so we have negotiated a temporary licence with the franchise owner, where McDonalds will pay the council to use our Station Road car park until Monday 15 June.
Things will return to normal on 15 June when other shops, businesses and schools will begin to open and the car park will be needed for people who want to visit the shops and for others’ returning to work.'

Robert Eggleston, leader of Burgess Hill Town Council, led the calls for Mid Sussex District Council to allow the use of Station Road Car Park to relieve the traffic congestion. On hearing of the new agreement, he told BHU: "This was a proposal that Burgess Hill Town Council, me and my ward colleagues (Cllrs Foster & Hussain) and the Police organised before the drive-thru opened. MSDC originally rejected it as a suggestion so I am pleased that they have climbed on the Common Sense Bus at last."

Here's what happened when Cllrs Chapman and Eggleston went live on Facebook the morning of the re-opening:
Spread the word, McDonald's can use Station Road Car Park until Monday 15th June to ease congestion on the town centre roads
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