WSCC Cabinet Look Set To APPROVE The £20 Million New Woodlands Meed College!!!
17th May 2020 | By Peter Chapman
Victory could be in sight for the 'Complete Woodlands Meed' campaigners, governors, pupils and parents, after a report was published which recommends that the WSCC cabinet approve the £20 million required to construct a whole new college.
In the longest ever 'will they, wont they?' saga, it could finally be resolved with a positive outcome on Tuesday May 26th at the county council's 'virtual' cabinet meeting - which begins at 10:30 am.

The Report To Cabinet
The 21-page report within the cabinet papers can be downloaded here, pages 105-125
Pupil Numbers
Following additional research, it has been decided to keep the college at a 100 pupil capacity and not to expand to 136.
Construction Timeline

Not So Good News For Birchwood Grove School....
In a surprising recommendation, construction access to the site on Woodlands Meed's field will be via the shared access with Birchwood Grove School. An alternative entrance off Folders Lane and through Folders Meadow had been considered, but the report states:
'Access to the site is very challenging and several options have been identified – none of which are straightforward. After careful consideration it is proposed that construction activities will be via the main entrance which is shared with Birchwood Grove Primary School. Construction would be strictly managed so as to ensure the health and safety of all parties at all times (Appendix C). Alternative construction routes were considered but are not recommended due to complications of land ownership, rights of access and additional cost. '

To avoid construction vehicles possibly colliding with the Birchwood Grove structure, the access to the site will be moved slightly away from the main building by repositioning the Birchwood Grove bike and bin stores.
The report goes on to state:
'Consultation with adjacent Birchwood Grove Primary School has been undertaken to discuss the construction route and mitigation measures proposed. Birchwood Grove Primary School have raised practical measures in general and discussions and close working will continue throughout the project. The construction route will be documented within the Contractor’s Construction Management Plan and the Development Agreement between WSCC and Woodlands Meed.'

Fingers crossed for Tuesday 26th May!!!
Spread the word, the approval for the new £20 million Woodlands Meed College building is imminent!
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Do you think the rebuild of Woodlands Meed college will really happen this time?