Virgin Media Cable Cabinets To Be Painted By Local Artists In Burgess Hill - Design Ideas Sought!
4th May 2020
| By Peter Chapman
Virgin Media's Broadband distribution boxes in Burgess Hill are in line to be given a colourful overhaul, after the town council agreed on a project which will see local artists unleashed with their paintbrushes on some of the dull, grey street furniture.

Cllr Anne Eves put the proposal to the Town Council Customer Services Key Area group meeting following talks with Virgin - who support the idea.
The Burgess Hill Artists have been contacted to see if anyone among their ranks has the skills to help to paint nominated boxes.

What about the designs?
During the council meeting,
Cllr Janice Henwood said she'd like to see a box with the Covid-19 virus painted on it (ideally near a doctors surgery!) as a reminder of the pandemic in years to come. Could we see boxes painted in our sports teams colours near their home grounds? They did it in Leeds...
Get Involved! Local residents are encouraged to get involved by helping to identify boxes they'd like to see given a splash of colour. Prime candidates are boxes on junctions where there's lots of foot traffic, although all locations will be considered.
You can also submit ideas for what you'd like to see painted on the boxes. You may not be good with a paintbush yourself,
but if you come up with a design on paper or digitally - someone else can do the job of painting it on the box for you.

Is this cable box on the junction of Dumbrills Close and Maple Drive a prime candidate to be given a makeover?
Clr Anne Eves said: "We are consulting with the History and Heritage Society to see if in certain places, we can give a nod to the town's history. I've had a really good reception for the idea and the artists are very excited about being part of this. I can't wait to see what ideas people come up with."
Please contact Cllr Anne Eves via email:
with suggested locations*, any design ideas you may have and if you can offer yourself up as a painter.
Please include the box identification number if you can.
Spread the word! Virgin's Cable boxes are in line to receive a splash of colour!
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What would you paint on a Virgin Cable Box?