Car Park Charges Suspended By Mid Sussex District Council During Coronavirus Pandemic
31st March 2020 | By Peter Chapman
Mid Sussex District Council have announced that they are suspending the charges across the district's car parks until at least 30th April due to the Coronavirus.

Concern had been raised here in Burgess Hill that the charges were putting shoppers off from supporting the businesses still open for trade.
In addition, the new car parking system in Market Place Shopping Centre's Car Park required visitors to enter their registration details on a keypad - used by hundreds, if not thosaunds of people each day. For the sake of lessening the spread of the virus, this was a logical move.

In a statement, MSDC said: The move follows an announcement by West Sussex County Council on Thursday that social care and NHS workers can now park free-of-charge in West Sussex County Council on street spaces.
Regular parking patrols will continue to ensure public safety and the free movement of traffic, especially for the emergency services, carers and deliveries. People are strongly advised to be mindful of this and not to park on yellow lines, loading bays and clearways.

Spread the word! Charging across Mid Sussex District Council's car parks has been suspended until further notice
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You're pleased to see the charges suspended, right?