Burgess Hill Tax Payers Excluded From Community Venue Naming Process - As We Can't Be Trusted!
29th January 2019
Burgess Hill Town Council have sensationally decided that local council-tax paying residents will not be among those asked to suggest a name for the proposed new community centre - even though residents are the ones having to pay £3 millon for it themselves!

At Monday evening's town council meeting it was revealed that the Community Venue steering group had formed a sub-committee to come up with a name for the proposed venue which is hoped will replace the now closed Martlets Hall sometime in the future.
The committee - chaired by Conservative Cllr Richard Cherry, featuring carefully invited contacts - will only be considering names proposed by their steering group and through a consultation exercise with children from local secondary schools in a competition.

Cllr Andrews Barrett-Miles, Conservative, while explaining the process, said "We want to avoid a Boaty McBoatface scenario."
Cllr Janice Henwood, Lib Dem, was concerned with the process. Speaking at the council meeting, she said: I am hoping the naming of the venue will be open to the public to respond, as of course it will be the adults in the community who will hopefully be helping to fund this venue, so it is very important to get their point on board.
In reponse, Cllr Richard Cherry said: "The process will certainly be what has already been outlined."
Well thanks for that Dickie. A big two fingers up at the public who are having to pay for our councillor's mess after they refused to ask NewRiver Retail or MSDC to pay to replace the venue they are knocking down!

Cllr Dickie Cherry doesn't want to hear from you!
Spread the word! The Burgess Hill public can't be trusted with the responsibility of naming the propsed new comunity that they will be paying for!
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How do you feel about your council not wanting to consult with you over the named of the proposed new community building?