Woodlands Meed Campaigners Set For A Showdown With West Sussex County Council At Local Meeting
11th November 2019 | By Peter Chapman
The stage is set for a confrontation between Woodlands Meed Campaigners and West Sussex County Council on Tuesday 12th November when the latest County Local Committee meeting takes place at Albourne Village Hall.

With the county council doing a major backtrack on committing £20 million for a new college building for Woodlands Meed, the Governors have released a statement which makes some very strong claims against the behaviour of two unnamed councillors. They also reveal that they have serveral freedom on information requests on-going at county.
The full update can be seen here: https://www.woodlandsmeed.co.uk/page/?title=New+Building+Update&pid=1245
The Complete Woodlands Meed Campaign Group have been banging the drum with a series of posts across social platforms to spread word of the dire situation the school finds themselves in. In particular they are taking aim at WSCC for being in breach of the equalities act.
Details for Tuesday evening's CLC meeting and the agenda are available here: https://westsussex.moderngov.co.uk........
Location: Albourne Village Hall, The Street, Albourne, BN6 9DH

Spread the word, Woodlands Meed need your support on Tuesday 12th November at Albourne Village Hall
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