Major 4,000 Home Burgess Hill 'Northern Arc' Approved By District Planning Committee
7th October 2019 | By Peter Chapman
The main strategic development for the Mid Sussex District Plan was approved on Thursday afternoon by the District Planning Committee which will see the 4,000 home Burgess Hill Northern Arc become a reality.
The development will span from the A2300 in the west all the way round to the east of Isaacs Lane (A273) bordering the Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve.

As well as 4,000 new homes, the Northern Arc could feature 2 new primary schools, a secondary school and a new medical surgery.
There will be three neighbourhood centres, two of which will feature a community building. The third will feature some community gardens. There will also be a number of small convenience stores (Think Tesco Express etc).
30% of the homes are going to be 'affordable'.
The development will also see the creation of a 'Centre for community sport' to the west of the A2300 near Jane Murrary Way.
Thursday's application was for outline planning permission - this means that all the detailed plans for the Northern Arc will come forward as 'reserved matters' applications over the next few years. The whole development is expected to take around a decade to complete.
Spread the word! The 4,000 home Burgess Hill Northern Arc planning application has been approved by MSDC.
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