Even More Houses For Burgess Hill Is MSDC's Preferred Option To Meet The District's Housing Target
5th September 2019 | By Peter Chapman
Burgess Hill is set to take another 615 homes across 6 sites as Mid Sussex District Council seek to shore up the housing supply in their District Plan up until 2031. This would be in addition to the thousands of homes planned for the 'Northern Arc'.
Readers will be unsurprised to know that Haywards Heath was in the frame as one of three options to take the extra homes - 1,000 at Haywards Heath Golf Club
- but further distress for Burgess Hill's infrastructure (in your reporter's opinion) is the route that MSDC are heading down.
The sites proposed are as follows:
Land South of 96 Folders Lane - 43 homes
Land South of Folders Lane and East of Keymer Road - 300 homes
Land South of Selby Close - 12 homes
Land South of Southway - 30 homes
The Brow and St.Wilfrid’s School - 200 homes
Woodfield House, Isaacs Lane - 30 homes
The two headline sites are St Wilfrids School, who would locate elsewhere in the town. The council have long had plans for 'The Brow' area of Burgess Hill - which includes bringing all the blue light services together - the relocation of St Wilfrids gives a very large plot to play around with.

The other big one is a set of 6 fields south of Folders Lane - which is sure to rile the South Of Folders Lane Action Group. They've long suspected that these sites would come forward, with or without being included in the council's allocated sites document.

What About Haywards Heath?
In contrast, Haywards Heath would be taking just 25 extra homes, on land at Rogers Farm, Fox Hill.
When Will This Be Debated?
The proposals are set to be discussed by the Scrutiny Committee for Housing, Planning and Economic Growth next Wednesday, and by full council on Wednesday September 25th.
Public Consultation
A six-week public consultation would follow from 9th October to 20th November 2019. The document will be available on the Council website, District Libraries and at District, Town and Parish Council offices.
The document would have to go through a few more stages before gaining full approval some time around Spring 2021.
Read the document
The Site Allocation DPD document can be downloaded here...
Spread the word! Burgess Hill is likely to take a further 615 new homes on top of existing commitments in order to meet the District Plan's housing requirements
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How do you feel about Burgess Hill potentially having to take another 615 homes on top of existing commitments while Haywards Heath will only have to take an extra 25?