Masala Club Indian Restaurant In Burgess Hill Could Be Demolished & Turned Into Apartments
27th February 2019 | By Peter Chapman
Yet another commerical building could be demolished with the news that a planning application has been submitted for the Masala Club Indiant restaurant on Mill Road to be redeveloped for housing.

The proposal comprises of two 2-bed apartments and six 1-bed apartments. No off-street parking or garages are included in the plans, however, a store for 20 cycles is included.
A West Sussex County Council Highways Officer says that there are no transport grounds on which to refuse the application.

This is how the proposed 'Mill House' would look.
For more information on this application, check out planning reference DM/19/0517 on the Mid Sussex District Council Planning Portal here

Spread the word! Masala Club Indian Restaurant may be demolished and turned into 8 apartments.
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