Under Pressure Councillors Announce Hollywood Bowl Are Eyeing Up The Town Centre
13th February 2019 | By Peter Chapman
What a coincidence!!! Just a few months away from the local elections and after three years of inactivity with the redevelopment of the Martlets Shopping Centre, Burgess Hill Town Council have posted 'news' that actually has nothing to do with this particular council by announcing on social media that Hollywood Bowl are in talks to come to Burgess Hill Town Centre.

Newsflash, this isn't new news.
Hollywood Bowl have been on the scene since at least October last year. It's just a reannouncement in an attempt to deflect the attention off the councillors who have been exposed for showing no concern with the terrible state of the town centre at the moment and the effect it's having on trade and footfall.
Hollywood Bowl have been in talks for all this time and still no agreement has been reached. How about someone makes an announcement when there's actually pen on paper, yeah?

TK Maxx were announced as being signed up for the Martlets redevelopment... but have since disappeared from the website. Argos were signed up, but then went elsewhere. Are Next still coming? How about H&M? Nandos? Wildwood? What about all the many other units which have remained 'available' on the layout plan for over three years?
NewRiver Retail claimed that the margins were going to be really tight in order to make the whole scheme financially viable - a reason why they escaped making almost no statutory payments into the local community. With so many units left to fill, it's probably the reason the scheme is yet to get moving properly.
Your reporter is partial to a game of ten pin bowling and would personally welcome the arrival of Hollywood Bowl, but I'm not silly enough to overlook that the elections take place in just 11 weeks time.
There are very strong, documented connections between NewRiver Retail and the Conservatives in Mid Sussex. This comes in very convenient for them with May 2nd rapidly approaching.
I subscribe to what seems to be the rapidly growing popular stance in the town of 'I'll believe it when I see it' !!!
Join us next week when we'll be reporting on another big name in business to have exchanged emails with NewRiver Retail about coming to Burgess Hill....Sports Direct.
Spread the word! Conservatives launch pre-election campign stunt.
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How many years will it be until Hollywood Bowl opens in Burgess Hill Town Centre?