Tory Party Issue FAKE NEWS Over Gas Holder Site - Lots More Work Still To Be Done
25th July 2018 | By Peter Chapman
Oh dear! Last month the Burgess Hill Conservative Party issued a paid-for promotion on Facebook by announcing that the preparation work at the Gas Holder site, Leylands Road had been completed and was ready to be handed over to Lidl the following week.
This has now been proven as FAKE NEWS by NewRiver Retail who personally called Burgess Hill Uncovered today, asking us to inform residents that lots of material needs to be removed from the site over the next few days and will be replaced in order to make the ground level. The land has NOT been handed to Lidl and construction work is not starting any time soon.
It's nice to know that all of us with eyes weren't wrong as it's clear the site wasn't anywhere close to being ready for handover.

PL Civils are the latest of quite a few companies to be involved in getting the site in shape. The site notice (Thanks Martin F) states that they'll be wearing 'protective clothing'.... Hazmat suits probably!

As for the Burgess Hill Conservatives, a local resident actually challenged their Facebook post yesterday afternoon (great timing)....

15 minutes later the same link to their post came up with this....

Your elected respresentatives have not
acknowledged that they spread fake news to the Burgess Hill public.
Let it also be known that the Gas Holder site was a private land deal between SGN and NewRiver Retail. Mid Sussex District Council and the Conservative Party in Burgess Hill had no ownership or financial interests in this land. They are trying to take 'credit' for any developments here for poltical reasons when it has nothing to do with them.
Spread the word, the Burgess Hill Conservative Party spread FAKE NEWS in an attempt to take credit for something that has nothing to do with them!
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Are you surprised that the land still hasn't been completed?