First 'Northern Arc' Planning Application In Burgess Hill Submitted To District Council
26th March 2018
| By Peter Chapman
It's been ten years in the making, and now finally the first section of the ambitious 3,500 home Northern Arc development has been submitted to Mid Sussex District Council for consideration.
Rydon Homes are the applicants for the land identified as 'Northern Arc East' which is phases one and two of the whole Northern Arc project. The land being developed is at Freeks Farm.

The doumentation from Rydon Homes lists the application as being:
“Residential development comprising up to 460 dwellings, public open space, recreation areas, play areas, associated infrastructure including roads, surface water attenuation and associated demolition (outline application with all matters reserved except for principal means of access from Maple Drive).”
Housing Mix
'Affordable Housing'
The proposal includes 30% 'affordable housing' which is around 138 dwellings. 75% will be social or affordable rented homes and 25% intermediate homes
Maple Drive Play Park Retained
The public first became aware of the possible redevelopment of the land at Freeks Farm when the play area on Maple Drive was touted to be lost to make way for a controversial through-road into the proposed development. Previously it had been said that existing minor roads wouldn't serve as access to the Northern Arc.

The plan will now see the play area on Maple Drive reconfigured in the same area with the access road to the proposed development to the right of the park outside the small row of houses - bad news for those home owners.

Broad Principles Of The Northern Arc
It's a 'delivery of a residential led, mixed use sustainable extension to Burgess Hill, incorporating new local centres and schools and delivering town wide benefits through the provision of employment land, a Centre for Community Sport (CFCS), a new link road and a completed Green Circle network around the town.'

See The Full Plans
There's lots of documents with colourful diagrams and other interesting information available on the MSDC planning portal. Look up planning reference number DM/18/0509 here:
Spread the word! The first residential application for the Northern Arc has been submitted
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What do you think of the Northern Arc proposals. Will Burgess Hill receive the required infrastructure to cope with the influx of new homes?