Mid Sussex District Plan Reaches Next Stage
10th October 2017
| Mid Sussex District Council Press Release
Mid Sussex District Council is now consulting on its proposed ‘Main Modifications’ to the emerging District Plan.
Main Modifications are changes to the plan that the Inspector considers are necessary to make the plan legally compliant. At the last Hearing held by the Government’s independent Planning Inspector into the District Plan in July, Inspector Bore indicated that he was content that all issues raised had been fully debated. While he was satisfied that MSDC could demonstrate that it had a five-year Housing Land supply, he asked the Council to look at a number of options to make the supply stronger.
MSDC has now explored a range of options and has proposed a further strategic allocation at Hassocks for an additional 500 homes, including affordable housing. This includes a primary school and associated infrastructure improvements.
Garry Wall, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council said: “An agreed District Plan, with a five-year rolling housing supply, means that we are significantly less vulnerable to developers pursuing speculative developments. Finding larger sites means we stand a better chance of delivering affordable housing and securing investments in roads, schools and leisure facilities that we know communities need. We will do all we can to ensure that these strategic sites also contribute to improving infrastructure and facilities for local people”.
Councillor Wall went on to say, “We have been building a strong local plan with our town and parish colleagues for a number of years now. These modifications are the final piece of the jigsaw and this consultation is extremely important for local people to help continue to shape our future.”
The consultation period runs between Monday 2 October and Monday 13 November 2017. During this period, comments are invited on the Main Modifications only. Further information can be found at www.midsussex.gov.uk/districtplan.
All comments will be sent to the Planning Inspector for his consideration. It is anticipated that his report into whether MSDC can adopt the Plan will be received in December. The Council hopes to adopt the Plan by January 2018, when its policies will have full weight in the determination of planning applications.
Spread the word! Now is the time for you to comment on the modifications
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