Appeal For 72 New Homes Nextdoor To Ridgeview Wine Estate To Be Heard Next Week
10th March 2017 By Peter Chapman
A housing developer will present their case to the planning inspector next week in hope of gaining permission for 73 new homes on land to the south of number 88 Folders Lane, right next to the Ridgeview Wine Estate.
The application from Jones Homes for a mix of 2,3,4 and 5 bedroom dwellings was originally turned down by the District Planning Committee in January 2016 for reasons which included the impact on neighbours Ridgeview Wine Estates - who themselves had just been granted planning permission to expand their business. It was also thought that it would be equally unfair on potential residents of this new development due to the associated noise of living right next to an commercial business.
Other reasons for refusal included the fact the site was outside the built up area of Burgess Hill, in an area of countryside developmental restraint which would also see the strategic gap further eroded. It was also ruled that the development would cause substantial harm to the landscape charater of the area.
The land was previously considered as a strategic housing allocation site but failed to meet the council's suitability criteria.
The appeal is open to the public and will be held at the MSDC chamber in Haywards Heath on Tuesday 14th March at 10am. The hearing could last up to four days.
For the application history, look up planning reference 14/04492/FUL on the MSDC planning portal
The land to be developed into housing if Jones Homes' appeal is upheld
Spread the word, it's 73 new family homes vs preserving the countryside and the future prosperity of a world class vinyard and winery.
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Who do you think will win out in the appeal? Should the houses be allowed or should the Inspector uphold the reasons for refusal by the MSDC planning committee?