Wyevale Garden Centre Handcross, To Be Demolished And Replaced With Industrial Units
16th February 2017
By Peter Chapman
The Wyevale Garden Centre at Handcross is to demolished and replaced with two industrial units after the site was granted planning permission at the district planning meeting at Mid Sussex District Council this afternoon.
The site currently comprises of a number of single storey buildings of varying designs. These consist of the main garden centre, a detached restaurant/café, a former residential two-storey property which in the past has been used in connection with the garden centre, and a canine day care centre.
This will make way for two industrial units accommodating 7,800sqm of floorspace for Class B1 (b) (Research and Development) / B1 (c) (Light industry) / B8 (storage and distribution)
It is not yet known who the named occupier is for these new units.
Spread the word: The Wyevale garden centre is to be demolished.