Burgess Hillocks? Recent Planning Approvals Bring Hassocks Even Closer To The Town
11th December 2016
By Peter Chapman
The strategic gap between Burgess Hill and Hassocks is shrinking following the latest planning application to be approved by Mid Sussex District Council
On Wednesday 7th December, the MSDC district planning committee granted outline permission for Hassocks Golf Club to undergo major changes.
The course will reduce from 18 holes down to 9, there's going to be a new driving range and a complete rebuild of the clubhouse.
Essentially it'll be a copy of Burgess Hill Golf Centre which will be closing when the Northern Arc development finally begins.
It was claimed that the golf course needed to reduce the size of its operation in order to avoid bankruptcy and closure.
The redundant land at Hassocks Golf Club will be used for residential development. 130 new homes will be constructed.

Another 130 homes across the road
Across the road from Hassocks Golf Course, MSDC granted planning permission for 130 homes on Friars Oak Fields behind the pub.
This decision was made on 13th October and is subject to much controversy as it goes against the emerging Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan. It's also on a flood plain. Hassocks Parish Council are looking very likely to take the decision to an appeal after rightful outrage from local residents.
Another planning application has also been submitted just north of the Friars Oak pub at 'The Paddock' for a proposed 18-home development.
An area of land to the north west of the stonepound crossroads is also possibly going to see around 90 homes built on it, closing the gap between Hassocks and Hurstpierpoint.
Within the next 20 years, don't be surprised if Hassocks and Hurspierpoint become suburbs of Burgess Hill - more on that in another story to come in January.

Further Reading
Do take a look at two interesting Hassocks Facebook pages dedicated to monitoring all the new development on the outskirts of the village.
They are: Hassocks Matters and Friars Oak Fields
Spread the word! Hassocks' sprawling residential develpments are getting close to Burgess Hill!
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What do you think of Hassocks' sprawling residential developments? Do you think it's inevitable that Hassocks, Hurst and Burgess Hill will be one big town in 20 years time?