Exciting news dear readers, for word has reached us that some very big plans are in the pipeline for the Triangle Leisure Centre in Burgess Hill.
You may remember that the Gym was extended around 18 months ago. We're now hearing that the faciiity is to be moved upstairs.
In more news, the two glass-backed squash courts are potentially being replaced by a climbing wall!
We also understand that the astro-turf outdoor pitch is to be converted to a 3G surface.

We asked the council to comment, here's what a spokesperson at MSDC said:
Places for People Leisure (PfPL) are developing some proposals at the Leisure Centres to increase participation and improve the customer experience for users.
The detail of the proposals have neither been finalised by PfPL nor considered by the Council. As part of this work PfPL will be engaging with users who may be affected by any changes in order to help accommodate them in the future. |
As ever, we'll keep you updated with any developments on this story.
Spread the word, the triangle leisure centre is in line for some significant changes
Got an opinion on this story? Leave a comment below.....
What do you think to the proposals at this early stage? Would you prefer a climbing wall instead of squash courts? How do you feel about the Gym being moved upstairs so soon after the big refit? And what about a 3G surface to replace the astro-turf? Would you welcome this?