Orion Cinema Awarded New 10-Year Lease By Mid Sussex District Council
29th Janaury 2016
by Peter Chapman
Good news for fans of the Orion Cinema in Burgess Hill, for Mid Sussex District Council have just granted them a new 10-year lease!
It had been thought that the Art-Deco cinema could disappear from the town due to competition from Cineworld - who are due to bring a 10-screen multiplex to the Burgess Hill as part of the Martlets Shopping Centre redevelopment proposals.
There were also concerns that MSDC could just flat out deny Orion a new lease which would have seen their current one run out around the time that Cineworld are due to rock up.
A word of caution however, we don't know the terms of the new lease, it's not yet been made public. There may be, for example, a 5-year break that can be exercised by either party. But for now, on the face of it, the Orion cinema has 10 more years in the town, and this should be celebrated!

What Was Said A Year Ago
Back in November 2014, the Lee Allwood, owner of the Orion Cinema, appeared on BBC Radio Sussex, discussing his desire to have a new lease. Garry Wall, Leader of MSDC also appeared on the station. Here's what was said 14 months ago....
Lee Allwood, owner of the Orion:
“We welcome the change and modernisation of the town centre. The thing that disappoints us is that whenever the multiplex is mentioned, there seems to be an assumption that it automatically spells the end of the Orion Cinema, it doesn’t have to be the case and that’s certainly not our intention.”
When asked what help he would like from the council, Lee said:
“Any commercial operators moving into the new development are going to be offered long-term leases. What we’re asking of our own landlord (MSDC) is the same thing, give us a long-term future in the Orion so that we can afford to invest in the building and provide the comfort and everything we would need to compete effectively with a multiplex.”
District Council leader Garry Wall responded:
I welcome his (Lee’s) comments that he thinks there’s room for competition. We’ve been very supportive of the Orion cinema. They have a very good and supportive lease and the council recently made some improvements to the realm outside. If he thinks it’s a lease issue moving forward, then by all means, come and speak to us.”
And speak they did!

Spread the word. The Orion Cinema have another 10 years in Burgess Hill!
Got an opinion on this story? Leave a comment below....
Are you pleased that the Orion have secured a new 10-year lease from Mid Sussex District Council? What's the likelyhood that there's going to be a mid-term break option for either party? Given the choice of the Orion or Cineworld, where would you choose to watch a film?