The big proposed relocation of Lidl to the Gas Holder site on Leylands Road has moved a step closer as a planning application from NewRiver Retail has been submitted to Mid Sussex District Council.
NewRiver Retail haven't wasted any time in moving the plan forward following their public consultation just 2 weeks prior to the submission.
Another planning application was received by MSDC earlier in december from the national grid to carry out environmental clean-up works at the site - expected to take place in February. It's all systems go.
Some of the headline details from the application are as follows:
The discount foodstore will have a gross floor area of c2,432 sq.m
with parking for 134
vehicles. 10 secure cycle parking spaces will be provided for staff and customers.
Whilst opening hours are not
yet known, it is envisaged that the store
will open 8am – 10pm Monday to Saturday, and
for 6 hours on a Sunday, such as from 10am
– 4pm.
The store will be serviced by 2-3
deliveries per day from vehicles
no greater than 16.5m in length. Delivery vehicles will
service the store via the proposed access and utilise the car
park as a manoeuvring area.

With regards to the site being earmarked for housing, the planning statement says:
Whilst the Leylands Road site is allocated for housing development in the MSDC Small Scale 1.9 Housing Allocations DPD (Policy SSH/5), given the strategic role it plays in unlocking the town centre development, it is our view that such a proposal should be supported by the Council.

Due to the close proximity to the junction of Mill Road, the public were hoping that a solution would come forward to ensure that there are no traffic issues.
The plans submitted show only a simple entrance to the site which won't allay the fears of total bedlam on Leylands Road. In the application document it is written:
The traffic assessment is based on a robust traffic impact scenario and demonstrates the
development traffic effects will be acceptable. There are no highway safety issues which have a
negative bearing on the acceptability of the proposals.
In this context, the development accords with
the requirements of the NPPF and local level policy
and guidance. The development will not give
rise to any severe adverse impacts and as such it is considered acceptable in highways terms.

Submit A Formal Comment
If you wish to comment on the application, either for or against, you can email case officer Nick Rogers using the application reference: DM/15/5108
The deadline for comments is 5th February 2016

Spread the word, Lidl to Leylands Road has moved a step closer.
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What do you think to the plans for Lidl at the Gas Holder site? Can you see the application being approved without any highway alterations such as a filter lane at the Lidl entrance?