6 MAJOR Things To Watch Out For In Burgess Hill In Early 2016
7th January 2016
By Peter Chapman
2016 is going to big a big year for the future of Burgess Hill with a number of planning applications seeking to be rubber-stamped by the Mid Sussex District Council.
Here's what we can expect to happen in the first half of 2016.
#1 - The Martlets Shopping Centre Planning Application Decision
A formal planning application was submitted to Mid Sussex District Council in October following the council's decision to accept NewRiver Retail's outline plans for the redevelopment of the Martlets Shopping Centre.
Those expecting the planning committee to rule on the application in the first few months of 2016 may be kept waiting a while longer as documentation on the planning portal would suggest that there is a lot of details to be ironed out before it stands a chance of getting the green light, that is unless MSDC don't have the public's best interests as a priority.....
#2 - The Northern Arc Planning Application

Around 4,000 new homes are planned for the north of Burgess Hill on Isaacs lane and the Cuckfield Road.
A public exhibition/consultation of the plans took place late in 2015 at the Martlets Hall.
Two new schools are part of the proposals. The scheme, if approved, will generate tens of millions of pounds in benefts to Burgess Hill Mid Sussex District Council.
The application is imminent.
#3 - The Resubmission of the District Plan

With the original plan thrown out by the government inspector in 2014. The Mid Sussex District plan sets out how many homes will have to be built in the area over the next 15 years.
A silly gamble by MSDC saw the plan fail for not considering the unmet housing needs of neighbouring districts. As a result, for the past two years MSDC have been powerless to stop 'unwanted' development on prime greenfield land. See here: http://www.burgesshilluncovered.co.uk/blog/2015/04/full-extent-of-district-plan-cock-up-revealed/
They need to get it right this time, and they probably will as they are adding even more homes on to Burgess Hill's disproportionate share of new housing!
#4 - The Council To Reveal What They've Purchased At The Brow
We revealed in December that Mid Sussex Distirct Council have agreed to purchase an asset at the Brow area of Burgess Hill Town Centre. It's not yet been revealed what and why.
It could be the Police Station, Marten House, or maybe a small area of grass. Whatever it is,
It's sure to be announced very soon.
#5 - New Footbridge Over Railway Line
During the spring of 2015, clearance work took place at the site of the 'bumpy bridge' that links St Wilfrids Road to Junction Road. This was in preparation to fit a wider bridge over the railway line as the current one is crumbling to pieces.
If West Sussex County County are running to schedule, then the replacement footbridge project should be commencing very soon (if not already)
#6 - Planning Application For Lidl To Gas Holder Site
We'd all been led to believe that the disused gas holder site on Leylands Road was to become housing - according to documents held at the council that is,
However, late in 2015, NewRiver Retail , best friends of Mid Sussex District Council, announced that they are looking to acquire the land in order to relocate Lidl from the town centre.
A public consultation has already taken place and applications have gone in for environmental clean-up work to take place during February.
Expect a planning application for the Lidl relocation to come shortly
Let people know about the things set to happen in Burgess Hill during the first part of 2016
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What do are you most looking forward to happening in Burgess Hill during 2016. Do you have any predictions?