Nicholas Soames To Vote In Favour Of Repealing The Fox Hunting Ban - Is He Right?
12th July 2015 By Peter Chapman
With news that there's to be a vote in the Commons next week regarding the repealing of the Fox Hunting Ban, we'd like to know what the people of Mid Sussex think on this issue and the position taken by our local MP.
The Mid Sussex MP's stance on the matter
Nicholas Soames has responded to his local constituents on the Fox Hunting laws by revealing that he will vote in favour of
overturning the ban:
Writing on May 22nd, Soames said:
The Prime Minister has said that a majority Conservative Government will give Parliament the opportunity to repeal the Hunting Act on a free vote, with a government bill in government time.
In the event of such a vote, I would vote to repeal it. In my judgement the Act has done nothing to protect wild animals and, in many cases, has actually been detrimental to animal welfare when other methods of control are deployed, several of which can be indiscriminate.
I am sorry if this is not the response you were seeking but I do appreciate that many people have strongly held views about hunting. I respect this and that is why the issue has been subject to a free vote for many years.
Mr Soames is a fan of hunting and thus it could be claimed that he's putting his interests ahead of those of his constituents. But what is the opinion of the people living in Mid Sussex?
Take Our Poll
Based on the readership of our Facebook page, we have a fairly even split of males and females across a large age range. We'd like to see what the general opinion is regarding Fox Hunting...
The website says this about the role of MPs: The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons.
Another Poll Should Mid Sussex MP Nicholas Soames put the interests of his constituents ahead of his own and that of his political party on any issue?
Spread the word - Let people know we want their views on Fox Hunting and the position taken by our local MP
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What are your views on Fox Hunting? Would you like to see the ban repealed? What about the voting position of our MP? Should he vote in line with the majority opinion of those in Mid Sussex - the people that he represents?