Draft District Plan Published For Final Consultation
16th June 2015
by Peter Chapman
Mid Sussex District Council issued a press release today wishing to make residents aware that you have until July 24th to comment on the District Plan before it's submitted to the examiner.
You will of course need to read the plans to be able to make an informed comment on them. There's 11 documents to look through on the District Plan section of the MSDC website: http://midsussex.gov.uk/districtplan
These main documents are:
Pre-Submission District Plan - 105 pages (Download)
Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Main Report - 200 pages (Download)
Pre-Submission Sustainability Appraisal - Non Technical Summary - 23 pages (Download)
Statement of Consultation - Regulation 18 - 39 pages (Download)
Housing Provision Paper (June 2015) - 63 pages (Download)
Responses to the draft District Plan consultation:
Part 1: General Comments, Plan Strategy, SA, HRA - 87 pages (Download)
Part 2: Policies DP1 - DP15 - 144 pages (Download)
Part 3: Policies DP16 - DP42, Standard Forms - 117 pages (Download)
There's over 1000 pages to read over 17 documents. Happy reading! (Full list here)

The full press release from Mid Sussex District Council reads as follows:
Mid Sussex District Council has published its draft District Plan and is giving residents a final chance to comment before the document is sent to Central Government for examination.
The Draft District Plan was unanimously agreed by Mid Sussex District Council on 18 March 2015 and is being published ahead of submission to the Planning Inspectorate in the autumn. All comments submitted during this consultation period will be sent with the Plan so that the Inspector can consider them as part of the examination of the District Plan.
The role of the District Plan is to provide strategic planning guidance on what, where, when and how development will take place in Mid Sussex over the next 17 years. The Council’s draft District Plan has been prepared with the help of the Town and Parish Councils in Mid Sussex to make sure it reflects the views of local communities.
The draft District Plan aims to support sustainable growth and jobs whilst also protecting the beautiful environment and ecology of Mid Sussex. It contains detailed policies which underpin these objectives and provides a framework for development until 2031.
“It’s fantastic news that we are almost at a stage where our draft District Plan is ready for submission to Central Government,” said Councillor Andrew MacNaughton, Cabinet Member for Planning. “The sooner we can get our draft District Plan examined and adopted the better because it will help us to defend our area against unplanned and inappropriate development.”
The consultation period lasts six weeks from Friday 12 June until midnight on Friday 24 July 2015. The full plan is available online at www.midsussex.gov.uk/districtplan and paper copies are available at libraries, Help Points, the District Council offices, and Town and Parish Council offices.
Comments can be submitted online at www.midsussex.gov.uk/districtplan or can be sent to Planning Policy and Economic Development, Mid Sussex District Council at Oaklands, Oaklands Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH161SS.
This is your final chance to comment on the District Plan. Share the news with those who may wish to read through 1000+ pages of information!
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Will the District Plan get approved by the government inspector this time? Have the council done enough in the way of consultation methods with the public? Should the documents have been condensed into a briefer version for those with no time to read 1000+ pages?