New Victoria Road Homes The Ugliest In Burgess Hill?
17th May 2015
Some time ago, a BHU reader posted a comment on our Facebook page, suggesting that we check out the new homes being constructed in Victoria Road on the site of the old Servecorps building.
suggestion was that the homes were some of the most unsightly ever constructed in the town.
With the hoadings around the site now removed, we've been able to take along a camera and snap some pictures.
So tell us, what do YOU think of this latest housing development?

11 dwellings have been constructed at 76 Victoria Road. Planning Reference: 14/04277/FUL

The development contains 2 x 4 bed , 7 x 3 bed and 2 x 2 bedroom properties.

Permission was granted in January 2014

There will being parking spaces for 18 vehicles. Much like other recent developments in the area, there is a fear that pavement parking will increase as the on-site provision is likely to be insufficient.

The design statement describes the development as 'High quality design with a palette of materials taking into account the advice from Burgess Hill Town Council'

Does this look like the front of a house to you?
Let your friends and loved ones share in the delight of these lovely homes!
Got an opinion on this story? Leave a comment below.....
Ugly or lovely? What do you think to the design of the homes on Victoria Road? Would you like to live in one of these?