Exclusive - Special School Plans Revealed
9th October 2009
By Scott McCarthy
Sussex County Council plans to burden Burgess
Hill with another school following controversial
plans to construct a special needs education
facility on the Oakmeeds Community College
The proposals for the new school, which
will replace the current specialist schools
serving Mid Sussex at Court Meadow, Cuckfield
and Newick House, Burgess Hill, have yet to
be released to the public, however Burgess
Hill Uncovered has gained an exclusive look
at the plans.
The new facility will
be built on the east side of the current school
playing fields, where the Air Training Corps
base is located. The construction will also
see the children's play area relocated, and
the site itself swallow up the public footpath
and possibly the ancient woodland that accompanies

own artists impression - The proposed
plans for the special school, taking up half
of the Oakmeeds field.
A hard play area, tennis courts and 11-a-side
football pitch, possibly incorporating an
all-weather surface, will complete the development,
taking up around half of the current Oakmeeds
school field, with the new sporting facilities
extending so far as to pass the secondary
schools 'B Block' building and the hedge that
acts as a border between London Mead and Oakmeeds.
The early proposals also
include a vegetable patch, new car parking
areas and what can only be described as something
that is large and brown, believed in some
quarters to be a giant potato.
The existing entrance
to London Mead will serve the new school,
leaving residents understandably concerned
that the already congested Chanctonbury Road
will become even more of a traffic blackspot.
The road currently serves
as a bus route, a route for learner drivers
and as a car park for commuters who don't
wish to pay for station parking. Expecting
the road to take even more strain at peak
times, especially with the specialist vehicles
that are often required to transport special
needs children who the school will serve,
could be seen as bordering on insanity.

The current Oakmeeds
With the health of teenagers due to lack of
exercise being at the forefront of the nations
mind, the loss of half of Oakmeeds' playing
fields, including a football pitch, a cricket
strip and the area that is used in the summer
for the athletics track is another potential
black mark against the proposals - especially
if the secondary school have no use of the
potential new sporting facilities on their
The big question remains
though as to why West Sussex County Council
has decided that this is the site for it to
construct a new school. If residents can realise
that it is going to cause more problems than
it solves, one visit to the site from a highly
paid and qualified planning expert from the
council should be enough to instantly dismiss
Oakmeeds as somewhere that can host a development
of this size.
While there is no doubting
that special needs facilities for children
in Mid Sussex need upgrading, there are plenty
of more suitable sites across the district
to house such a development than an already
over crowded campus hosting two schools. Adding
a third onto the Oakmeeds site would be asking
an already struggling infrastructure to take
on a load that it will surely not be able
to carry.
do you think about Oakmeeds losing half of
it's school field? Can Chanctonbury Road cope
with all the extra traffic? What alternative
sites for the new school would you recommend?
Let us know your thoughts by emailing news@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk