Mid Sussex Olympic Mascot
28th September
By Peter Chapman
The Olympics are coming!!.......to
London. But that doesn't matter to the Mid Sussex
District Council. For some reason, they have
commissioned the creation of an Olympic mascot
that will make appearances at Mid Sussex sports
and arts events in the lead up to the LONDON
In fact, every council in Sussex is taking part,
so no doubt stupid amounts of money will be
thrown at this needless project as each council
in the county tries to out do each other, much
like how young men apply big exhausts and stickers
to their cars and proclaim it the best around.
The mascot for Mid Sussex has been made by the Same
Sky Community Arts Group in Brighton, and
has received funding from the Arts Council.
No good reader, I didn't realise that Brighton
was a part of Mid Sussex either, and yes good
reader, you are right with what you are thinking,
why couldn't people in Mid Sussex have made
the mascot, considering the mascot is representing
Mid Sussex.
Of course, this is our District Council making
the decision, we should not be surprised with
their lack of logic.
At the moment, the mascot looks like a fox,
representing the rural area. It's been designed
through the eyes of a child, in other words,
an adult is guessing what a child would like.
Much like a mother taking her teenage children
clothes shopping as she has the credit card.
Apparently, the mascot will grow each year and
will eventually become a giant mythical creature.
Sounds expensive.
Anyway, the council have been using the local
papers to alert the population of Mid Sussex
that we are the ones that get to choose the
name of our mascot. Send your entries to arts@midsussex.gov.uk
by October 30th.
I'm going to send in the name 'The
Crack Fox' If any of you readers are fans
of the Mighty
Boosh, then you will be familiar with this
character from series three.
How the final name will be chosen has not been
revealed. It's probably some self important
person at the council that thinks they know
Logically, what they should do is an online
poll featuring a 'shortlist' of the 50 most
suitable names and let the public vote. But
let's be realistic here, the name has no doubt
already been chosen, with a sweet looking child
connected to the council primed and ready to
appear in the papers, posing as the creative
mind behind the mascot's name.
the Olympic mascot pointless? Could public money
have been better spent elsewhere?
Let us know your thoughts by emailing news@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk