All Saints United Reformed Church
Address: Junction Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 0JS
Tel: 01444 248 238
Website: www.urc.org.uk |
Gateway Baptist Church
Address: Church Building,
Station Road,
Burgess Hill, RH15 9EQ
Tel: 01444 233 050
Website: http://gatewaybaptist.org.uk/ |
The King's Church
Address: 33-35 Victoria Rd,
Burgess Hill,
Tel: 01444 244 215
Website: http://www.tkc.org.uk/ |
The Burgess Hill Methodist Church
Address: London Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 8QD
Tel: 01444 236 733
Website: http://www.csua.org.uk/burgesshillmethodistchurch.htm |
Mid Sussex Christian Centre
Address: 180 Leylands Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 8HS
Tel: 01444 232 596
Website: http://www.msccentre.org |
The Point Church
Address: The Point Office Unit 3, Regent Business Centre 6 Jubilee Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9TL
Tel: 01444 230 830
Website: http://thepointchurch.co.uk/ |
St Andrew's Church
Address: Cants Lane, Burgess Hill,
RH15 0LG
Tel: 01444 232 023 or 01444 232 337
Website: http://www.standrewsbh.org.uk/ |
St Edward's Church
Address: Royal George Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9TD
Tel: 01444 241 300
Website: www.stedwardsburgess.co.uk |
St John's Church
Address: Church Walk, Burgess Hill, RH15 9AA
Tel: 01444 232 582
Website: http://stjohnsbh.org.uk/ |
St Wilfrid's Church
Address: Station Road, Burgess Hill, RH15 9EN
Tel: 01444 232 358
Website: www.stwilfridsbh.com |
Sheddingdean Baptist Church
Address: Sheddingdean School, Petworth Drive, Burgesss Hill, RH15 8JT
Tel: 01444 241 449
Website: www.sheddingdean.org.uk
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