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Burgess Hill Videos

Why simply make do with text and images when you can use video to make a presentation. People in Burgess Hill have realised this and have begun to make some videos which act as a guide to Burgess Hill. This section is likely to grow as the year progresses.

Burgess Hill Guide: Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve
In a bid to make the nature reserve more appealing to the masses, Peter Chapman and Scott McCarthy present this guide on what it has to offer.
Burgess Hill Pub Guide - Part One
Amazingly, there are indeed other pubs in Burgess Hill apart from Jacobs Post and The Railway. Feature in this video are just some of the alternatives.
If you have created a video that features Burgess Hill or Burgess Hill inhabitants, and would like it to be featured in this section, then please email webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk with a link to your video, and some information about the piece.

Burgess Hill Uncovered created by Legend Website Design Services 2008