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Burgess Hill Videos

Yet more talented people are featured in videos that are of great substance and entertainment.

Liam Walsh - NewERA'z XCM Display
Liamwalshmagic produces a short video showcasing some of Liam's slick and extremely skilled card handling.
Liam Walsh Magic - Card Through Window
Liam Walsh is asked if he can pull cards through windows. Can you work out how he pulls it off?
Burgess Hill Dancing
A community dance project featuring members of the McCarthy Industries team performing to a group of foreign delegates at Park Centre.
Drugs And Save Advert
An entertaining and educational video by some Oakmeeds pupils about drugs.
Remember kids, "Just say no!"
Life on Cocaine
Yet another piece of work from Oakmeeds pupils, this time looking at what life may be like under the influence of cocaine.
Spooners says "Just Say No"
A third video in the Oakmeeds 'Don't do drugs' school project. This time featuring Lego stop-frame animation.
If you have created a video that features Burgess Hill or Burgess Hill inhabitants, and would like it to be featured in this section, then please email webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk with a link to your video, and some information about the piece.

Burgess Hill Uncovered created by Legend Website Design Services 2008