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Mystery Door
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The Burgess Hill Mystery Door

During a recent outing in Burgess Hill, we parked up at the Triangle leisure centre, looking to take some pictures of the new St Pauls Secondary School for the website.
We made our way across a grassy area, looking to cross over to the other side of Jane Murray Way (Thats a road name for all you people who don't know your B.Hill geography) We came to a dip by the edge of the road which led to a door, a padlock had been broken off, Always after potential website content, we chose to explore further.

Entrance to another world?
At the entrance we discovered sheets of newspaper and an old red rubber boot. Something has been, or still is, living within this area. the actual room was pitch black so we were unable to see if it was a room, a corridoor leading to the otherside of the road, or the entrance to a tunnel which leads to an escape route out of Burgess Hill. Seeing that there had been a pad lock on the door, no doubt some of the find youngsters of Burgess Hill had decided to break in.
(Damaging Council propery in the process!)
Although pitch black, the flash from our high-tech digital camera lit up this room. It was only when we tranferred the image to computer that we discovered strange markings on the wall. Are they from Alien beings, Egyptian hieroglyphics prehaps, or mabe it's where Burgess Hill councillors meet to plot how to make the town even worse.
The BHS team will be returning to the site soon armed with torches to uncover what is exactly down there!!
(Most likely a tramp who will offer us a swig of whisky!)

Ideas of where this mystery doorway leads to......
  • A route to the otherside of the road
  • A kids play area
  • A Hotel for Tramps
  • A place where monsters live
  • A tunnel to an underground city
  • A secret meeting place of Council members
  • Drug dealers warehouse
  • Ancient Egypitian holiday home

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