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The Burgess Hill Summer Festival Parade 2007

Saturday June 2nd 2007 was the date of the Burgess Hill Summer Festival's 'Town Day'
The showpiece is the parade that makes its way through the town centre. The parade was making its big return, having been cancelled in 2006. The theme this year was 'Space', however, it appeared as if most of the participants were unaware of this. Check out our selection of photos and see what you think.

Dicker House Preschool, celebrating 65 years. What better way to celebrate than to walk in the parade. These young ladies dressed like something from the sixties.
No hint of the advertised space theme.
A Kangaroo with a girl in a silver wig and star glasses.
Are there Kangaroos in space?
  Yet more advertising, as Tiggywigs get in on the act.
Once again, great effort with the costumes.
It's the Devil! What is the reason to be dressed like this?
The Devil is from Hell, not Space!
  This vehicle was shamefully advertising a dance event, and Cancer Research. How do the balloons help?
This off-road vehicle is decorated in flowers. Ironically, its carbon emissions are harming the environment!   A small child is trapped inside, with no window open, he must have been baking in the heat.
It's the friends of Bedelands farm nature reserve. How can green space have 'friends'? Surely they are fans?   The friends of Bedelands are of all ages. Check out the hardcore granny with the purple bumbag. Legendary!
Burgess Hill District Lions in parade theme shocker!
They come dressed as the Thunderbirds.
  Technically incorrect, Thunderbird 3 was the space rocket, and not Thunderbird 1. Nevertheless, a great effort.
This is better, a woman has made an effort to look like something from space.   More abuse of the parade, as Stem's non space themed vehicle gets some exposure.
Kindermusik bring up the rear of the parade. Once again, no effort to comply with the space theme.   Two lovely female stewards in high visability jackets, vital in the bright sunlight. Anything for attention.....
You would have thought that the Police could have afforded
to decorate their vehicle as a space shuttle for the event.
  Two random scallys thought it would be quite nice to impress the public with their rubbish bikes.

So there you have it, sady, it was a rather disappointing display. It is evident that many businesses used the parade as a walking advert in order to make money. Participating in the parade should be considered an honour, yet there was very little effort to comply with the space theme.
Strict rules should be enforced for the 2008 parade to stamp out the abuse. Otherwise, there is no point in having a parade at all.

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