House Preschool, celebrating 65 years. What better
way to celebrate than to walk in the parade. |
These young
ladies dressed like something from the sixties.
No hint of the advertised space theme. |
A Kangaroo
with a girl in a silver wig and star glasses.
Are there Kangaroos in space? |
Yet more
advertising, as Tiggywigs get in on the act.
Once again, great effort with the costumes. |
It's the Devil! What
is the reason to be dressed like this?
The Devil is from Hell, not Space! |
This vehicle was shamefully
advertising a dance event, and Cancer Research. How
do the balloons help? |
This off-road
vehicle is decorated in flowers. Ironically, its carbon
emissions are harming the environment! |
A small
child is trapped inside, with no window open, he must
have been baking in the heat. |
It's the
friends of Bedelands farm nature reserve. How can
green space have 'friends'? Surely they are fans? |
The friends
of Bedelands are of all ages. Check out the hardcore
granny with the purple bumbag. Legendary! |
Hill District Lions in parade theme shocker!
They come dressed as the Thunderbirds. |
incorrect, Thunderbird 3 was the space rocket, and
not Thunderbird 1. Nevertheless, a great effort. |
This is
better, a woman has made an effort to look like something
from space. |
More abuse
of the parade, as Stem's non space themed vehicle
gets some exposure. |
bring up the rear of the parade. Once again, no effort
to comply with the space theme. |
Two lovely
female stewards in high visability jackets, vital
in the bright sunlight. Anything for attention..... |
You would
have thought that the Police could have afforded
to decorate their vehicle as a space shuttle for the
event. |
Two random
scallys thought it would be quite nice to impress
the public with their rubbish bikes. |