Hill Constructions
Old Sewage Treatment Works Demolition & Construction Of 325 Homes 2017 - Present
Planning Application: 08/01644/OUT
Development comprising the redevelopment of the former sewage treatment works to provide up to 325 residential dwellings (Class C3), the relocation of the existing residential gypsy site, a community hall with associated access and landscaping.
Fairbridge Way, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8BF.
The application was submitted in 2008.
Photo © Robin Webster (cc-by-sa/2.0)

The Old Sewage Works Pre-Demolition

The Old Sewage Works as of September 7th 2017
The proposed layout of the site was submitted in May 2008 and finally approved in June 2015 - The area on the bottom right of the image is the existing Burgess Hill Tip
Permission for the outline planning application was only agreed in 2015, a whole 7 year wait.
There has been a further delay with
Fairbridge Development Limited struggling to find a major housing developer to take on the whole project. Developers have plenty of easier projects on green field land to work on at the moment. As a consequence, Fairbridge Development Limited have now been advised to take on the infrastructure works themselves, then sell the prepared land in three smaller plots.. This means that the agreement (and delivery of) affordable housing and payments to local authorities need to be altered from the original section 106 document signed in 2015.
Mid Sussex District Council accepted the new strategy in June 2017. The project should now move forward at a pace.