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Burgess Hill Construction PhotosBurgess Hill Constructions
Demolition Of Gas Holder & The Construction Of Lidl, Leylands Road, Burgess Hill 2017 - Present

Planning Application: DM/15/5108

Demolition of redundant gas holder station, remediation works, and redevelopment to provide a new foodstore (Class A1), associated parking and servicing areas, widening to existing site access, landscaping and other associated works.

The application was submitted in December 2015.

The gas holder pre-demolition in August 2017.

Work begins with the removal of the roof in early September.

Work begins on cutting up the gas holder.

Farewell to the stairs - climbed frequently by site intruders!

A computer drawing of how the new Lidl store will look from the West of Leylands Road

Here's the predicted view from the East of Leylands Road.

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