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Burgess Hill Town Development - Reading List

There's a lot of information to get your head around in order to start getting a better idea as to what is going to happen to our town. Take the time to browse some of these documents that we've gathered together then perhaps let us know what you think.

The time to act is upon us.

The Burgess Hill Town-Wide Strategy

Web Link - http://www.burgesshill.gov.uk/strategicvision

What Is This?
This is the document painting a pretty picture of how wonderful the town will be over the next twenty years if we accept all the extra housing. There is no alternative.

Final Burgess Hill Town-Wide Strategy Report.pdf (pdf, 3.37mb, 83 pages)
Public Responses To Strategy (pdf, 3.37mb, 83 pages)

Additonal Information - Small Scale Housing Sites - http://www.burgesshill.gov.uk/smallscalehousing
(All the extra housing that will sneak through with no benefit to us)

NewRiver Retail - Owners Of The Martlets

Web Link - http://www.nrr.co.uk/

What Is This?

NewRiver Retail are an investment company with shareholders to please. They have their own plans for how they wish to develop the town centre. It involves tossing the existing minor shops into Cyprus Road Car Park and remodeling the current Martlets to make way for budget retailers
and a big supermarket. Download their proposals and read their website. It's clear for all to see.

NewRiver Retail - A Vision For Burgess Hill (pdf, 2.24mb, 20 pages)
Virtual Tour Of The New Martlets Video

LaSalle Investments - Owners Of The Market Place Shopping Centre

Web Link - http://www.marketplaceshopping.com/

What Is This?

LaSalle Investment Management are the owners of the Market Place shopping centre. They too have plans for the town centre redevelopment. Their ideas for the land they control are different to the vision that NewRiver Retail have for the whole area.

LaSalle Market Place Proposal (pdf, 977kb, 6 pages)

Glenbeigh Developments

Web Link - http://www.glenbeighltd.com/industrial/burgess-hill.php

What Is This?
Glenbeigh Developments ltd control land in Goddards Green. It's the potential site for a new business park and spots facility. They also have housing development plans for the old sewage works in Burgess Hill.

New Business Park (pdf, 2.32mb 38 pages) Land South of the A2300 Goddards Green
New Sports Facility (pdf, 2.09mb, 43 pages) Land North of the A2300 Goddards Green

Fairbridge Way (Old Sewage Works) 325 home development plans (pdf. 7.83mb, 5 pages)

burgess hill action groupThe Burgess Hill Action Group
Website link: http://www.burgesshillactiongroup.co.uk/

What Is This?
A group of residents looking to alert more people in Burgess Hill about the proposed 4000+ home development, focusing on the 'Northern Arc' and the area by Kings Way. They have a petition you can sign and a public meeting taking place on October 1st, 7pm at the Martlets Hall building.

Petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/no-northern-arc/signatures.html

Neighbourhood Plans

Web Link - http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/8467.htm

What Is This?
The District Council are working with the parishes to help them form their own Neighbourhood Plans. This will give towns and villages control over future developments.

Burgess Hill Application and Map. (pdf, 716kb)

Mid Sussex District Plan

Web Link - http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/8264.htm?pageID=3168

What Is This?
The draft District Plan sets out a vision for how Mid Sussex wants to evolve and a delivery strategy for how that will be achieved. It will cover a period up to 2031 and will replace the majority of the Mid Sussex Local Plan which was adopted in 2004.

The Revised Draft Mid Sussex District Plan (pdf file 60 pages)

Mid Sussex Local Housing Assessment
Web Link - Mid Sussex Local Housing Assessment.

What Is This?
The draft Local Housing Assessment (LHA) is to inform at a local level, potential housing requirements, related to future demographic, economic and labour market change.

http://www.midsussex.gov.uk/media/FINAL_draftLHAOct11.pdf pdf file 2.3mb


Can you help?
We need as much input as possible from others that are taking a great interest in the Burgess Hill developments. Have we overlooked any information that the public should know about?
Are you a councillor that doesn't agree with the plans and wish to anonymously reveal some information?

Email: webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk or use our contact form

Please share this information to anyone you know living in and around Burgess Hill.

What do you think to the proposed developments?
Have you read any of the documents? Do you have any observations that you wish to share? Please leave a comment below.

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