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Petition For A Water Play Area In St John's Park, Burgess Hill

Haywards Heath have a fancy new water play area in Victoria Park.
Cuckfield recreation ground benefits from a large paddling pool.

Sadly, the largest town in Mid Sussex - Burgess Hill has nothing.

Our children deserve a water play area in their own town and we here at Burgess Hill Uncovered are spearheading a campaign to get one, but we need your help!


1,300 Petition Signatures Needed
We have created a petition on which we need to collect 1,300 signatures to trigger a debate at a full meeting of Mid Sussex District Council.

It's worded as follows:

We, the undersigned, petition Mid Sussex District Council to provide a water play area in St John’s Park, Burgess Hill.

Burgess Hill is the biggest town in Mid Sussex. We feel that our children deserve a water play area like the children of Cuckfield and Haywards Heath currently enjoy. We wish for Mid Sussex District Council to access its substantial ‘Section 106 Fund for Leisure’ monies in order to fund the project. In addition, Mid Sussex District Council should fully consult with the local residents to ensure the type of water play area installed is what the people actually want.

Our aim is to have the required amount of signatures collected by the end of the Summer and to present it to Mid Sussex District Council in the Autumn.


Print out our petition and help collect signatures for us
The quickest way to reach our target is for a team of parents at each local school to collect signatures from fellow mums and dads. Children are also permitted to sign the petition.

You can also collect signatures at your place of work, a public house, community groups or even by knocking on the doors of your neighbours.

Download the petition
You can download the petition here:

Once you have collected as many signatures as you can, the petitions can be returned to:
14 Firtoft Close, Burgess Hill RH15 8EE or you can contact us and we'll come and collect them from you.

Email: webmaster@burgesshilluncovered.co.uk or use our contact form

Join our Facebook group
A Facebook group has been created for the purpose of co-ordinating the collection of signatures and to keep people informed of the progress made. You can join the group here.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/259917780783689/

Please help spread the word of our petition to as many local residents as possible by using the share buttons below. Thank You!

What do you think to the idea of our petition?
Having learnt that the new water play area in Victoria Park, Haywards Heath was funded by section 106 money and not a government grant, MSDC won't dare to say no to us, would they?

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